73: You Are Lovable Perfection

You are allowed to show up just as you are every day.

Reaching for a higher level of self-awareness can be very exciting and very scary at the same time and requires us to show up as our true authentic selves. Whitney Walker, Mental Health Therapist and creator of Women Waken, shares her own story of transformation and teaches that by moving toward the harmonic aspects of life, we can exponentially create more harmony.

Originally aired on May 2, 2023 on KPOV’s Curiosity Lab


71: Let Go and Heal

Cranial sacral fluids line and deliver oxygen to the brain and the spinal cord but can become trapped, creating problem areas.

Imagine a type of therapy that treats the entire body and mind in a single touch, identifies and aligns emotional and spiritual bodies, and shatters any resistance for healing that may exist. Mike Macy shares his story of trauma and transformation that led him to master and, ultimately, write the first textbook in his field. Craniosacral Therapy invites us to let go of what’s not helpful, move forward and heal.

Originally aired on July 11, 2023 on KPOV’s The Tuesday Point


61: Plants Over Pills

One successful psilocybin session that is 6-8 hours can equate to the work of 10 years of conventional therapy.

Microdosing psychoactive psilocybin mushrooms is becoming more mainstream than ever as states legalize its use in therapeutic settings and people around the world advocate the countless associated benefits. Listen firsthand to the journey of an already licensed psychotherapist training to add psilocybin treatment to her professional practice and how to integrate this sacred healing modality into our current understanding of mental health and wellness.

Originally aired on February 7, 2023 on KPOV’s Curiosity Lab