85: Mental Disorder Is Not A Crime

Our culture is naive, not examining what soldiers in combat are really asked to do with little guidance on how to return to civilian life.

Our culture is naive, not examining what soldiers in combat are really asked to do with little guidance on how to return to civilian life.

This important conversation brings to light the idea that most veterans of war are never given the opportunity to fully understand the effect their service has on their psyche, and some are driven down a cascade of crime due to an undiagnosed psychiatric disability. It is becoming more commonplace to legally divert vets into a mental health discovery program, help them integrate their past experiences and move forward in a healing way.

Originally aired on November 7, 2023 on KPOV’s The Tuesday Point


46: Veterans Need Natural Healing

The power of this story can impact veterans and non-veterans alike.

The power of this story can impact veterans and non-veterans alike.

An immensely brave veteran and human, Javier Romo, turns his back on the mainstream VA medical system and finds freedom from his trauma with natural ways of healing. After struggling for years with prescription drugs, alcohol use and criminal activity to suppress his pain, he knew he needed dramatic changes and leaned in to exercise, lifestyle changes and a healthy diet as the catalyst for well-being, with much success. He now spends his time leading other veterans and being a positive role model to improve their quality of life and find purpose.

Originally aired on August 30, 2022 on KPOV’s Curiosity Lab