COCC Advocacy for the On-Campus 2SLGBTQIA+ Community

Representatives from Central Oregon Community College talk of the college's history and efforts to provide a safe and educational environment for the 2SLGBTQIA+ on-campus community. Guests: Professor Cat Finney, Librarian (Collections and Acquisitions), Dr. Buffy Stoll Turton, First Year Experience Coordination, and Ruth Vernotico, Student Program Coordinator of Diversity and Inclusion.

Bend Language Institute

Christina Cappy, founder of the Bend Language Institute, tells us about her learning center and how we can sign up for language classes.

COCC's 2025 Season of Nonviolence

COCC's Nancy R. Chandler Lecture Series Coordinator, Charlotte Gilbride, and the Dean of Equity and Well-Being, Christy Walker, talk about the 2025 Season of Nonviolence presentations, the history of the Chandler Lecture Series, and the state of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Central Oregon Community College.

Big Brothers Big Sisters - The State of Mentorship in 2025

Jenn Davis, Program Director for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon, talks about the ongoing need for male mentors, with some boys waiting up to a year to be matched. She talks about the measurable benefits of a mentoring relationship, what it takes to become a mentor, and how BBBSCO works the parent and mentor for maximum benefit to the child.

KPOV Past, Present, Future and New Year Wants

Walking down the KPOV memory lane with Ted Schoenborn, Mike Ficher, and Chuckaroo the Buckaroo about the beginning of the station 20 years ago, along with a brief conversation with Executive Director of KPOV, Linda Orcelletto, about KPOV and what's in store for the future.

Handling Grief During the Holidays with Sarah Peterson from Clear Mourning

Grief is universal and support, understanding, and counseling can help someone in the grieving process. We talked to Sarah Peterson, founder of the nonprofit Clear Mourning, about dealing with grief not only during the holidays but throughout the year. Information on the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) and available services in Central Oregon are also covered.

Jingle Store and Santa's Plate - Outreach Programs of The Giving Plate

Ranae Staley, Executive Director of The Giving Plate, talks about the upcoming Jingle Store for kids in need, and Santa's Plate for families. She also talks about their efforts to provide food without stigma even as the number of families in need is growing exponentially while donations of food and money are dropping quickly.

Latino Community Association Offers Services to Immigrants and Empowers Families

Lucia Barragan, Development Manager for the Latino Community Association (LCA), and Patricia Pizarro, an immigration attorney with LCA, talk about services available to the Latino Community through their organization, including legal representation on immigration issues. They also discussed their sold-out luncheon focusing on empowering families and supporting the Central Oregon immigrant population.

The Transition Out of Safe Parking

Rick Russell, Executive Director of Mountain View Community Development, and Keith Wilson, a recent graduate of the Safe Parking Program, talk about Safe Parking and about living in an RV. This edition of the Wednesday Point was hosted by Louise Kaplan and Carolyn Esky.