Cattle and Land Management with Scott Dugan on the OSU Extension Connection

Guest Scott Dugan is an OSU Extension Service Educator, award-winning writer for the Extension Cattle & Land Management Service, and an in-person educator for all tri-county farm and ranch owners. He talks about all his OSU Extension department has to offer local farmers and ranchers, from the hobby farmer to the thousands-acre rancher; Scott Dugan has a lot of help for all your land and animal questions.

Gardening in the High Desert with Amy Jo Detweiler on the OSU Extension Connection

Amy Jo Detweiler, Professor and Community Horticulturist for the OSU Extension, manages the OSU Master Gardener program, including education for “Green Industry” professionals. Professor Detweiler provides outreach and education for backyard gardeners focusing on sustainable gardening practices, water-wise gardening, fire-wise landscaping, and backyard food production in the topic of today's show "Gardening in the High Desert."