Welcoming Week with Priscilla Calleros from The Environmental Center

Priscilla Calleros - Outreach and Events Manager at The Environmental Center - talks about the organization's events for Bend's Welcoming Week and Latino Conservation Week, and also discusses the building of inclusivity in the environmental movement. She also provides some updates on the September 28th Green Building Tour. More information at www.envirocenter.org.

The Environmental Center's Community Innovation Fund and Climate Movement Challenge with Kavi Chokshi and Al Kolenda

The non-profit The Environmental Center seeks to embed sustainability into daily life in Central Oregon. On this episode, Kavi Chokshi, Rethink Waste Project Project Coordinator, discusses The Environmental Center’s Community Innovation Fund grants, which provide funding for individuals, businesses, or community groups for projects that reduce waste in Deschutes County. Development Manager Al Kolenda also joined us to talk about the Climate Movement Challenge, a fundraising campaign to get people to get active and move outdoors this summer while also raising money for The Environmental Center.

Welcoming Week Art Exhibit with Priscilla Calleros and the Green Tour with Neil Baunsgard

Priscilla Calleros, Events & Outreach Manager at The Environmental Center, talks about the The Multicultural Art Exhibit. It’s part of Welcoming Week and features live poetry, music, and creative arts by local BILAPOC and LGBTQ+ artists.

Neil Baunsgard, Transportation and Climate Advocacy Manager at The Environmental Center, tells us about this year’s Green Tour, which showcases reducing energy use in residential and commercial buildings in Central Oregon.

The Green Leadership Coalition with Olive Nye

Olive Nye is a co-leader with the Green Leadership Coalition, a group of high school students advocating for sustainability initiatives in their schools.

Olive talks to us about the group's goals for this year and the importance of making connections with other students who care about the environment. Later, she helps Gillian come down from the shock of learning how long some high school students let their cars idle.

The Environmental Center's Community Innovation Fund with Udara (Abeysekera) Bickett

Udara (Abeysekera) Bickett, Rethink Waste Program Manager, tells us about the Community Innovation Fund, a grant program for anyone who wants to reduce waste in their community. Individuals, groups, and businesses can apply for funding for projects that focus on waste reduction projects in the $500-$2,000 range. Udara talks about how to apply for the program and gives Gillian some recycling/marriage advice.