Master Gardener Amy Jo Detweiler teaches everything you want to know about pruning your trees for beautiful, healthy trees in Central Oregon.
Raising Chickens with Scott Dugan on the Extension Connection
Learn more about what's going on with the Avian Virus and how to raise your own backyard flock of laying hens more safely so you can enjoy delicious, homegrown eggs with OSU Extension Professor Scott Dugan.
What It Takes to Serve on a Central OR School Board
Redmond School Board member Liz Goodrich talks about the often undervalued, yet very important, job of serving on your school board, what it takes to do a effective job, and the heart it takes to serve your community’s children a families as a board member.
Mistletoe with Dr. Jeremiah Dung on the Extension Connection
Mistletoe! With us today is Jeremiah Dung – Associate Professor, Plant Pathologist Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. Jeremiah is also Interim Director of the Central Oregon Agricultural Research and Extension Center.
Cattle and Land Management with Scott Dugan on the OSU Extension Connection
Guest Scott Dugan is an OSU Extension Service Educator, award-winning writer for the Extension Cattle & Land Management Service, and an in-person educator for all tri-county farm and ranch owners. He talks about all his OSU Extension department has to offer local farmers and ranchers, from the hobby farmer to the thousands-acre rancher; Scott Dugan has a lot of help for all your land and animal questions.
KPOV Interviews BendFilm Best Director Elisa Levine of the film Sweetheart Deal
KPOV and host Bruce were honored to interview Sweetheart Deal Director Elisa Levine on the Thursday Point October 6. It’s a beautiful interview and a great film.
We were not surprised, but were very proud, to hear that Elisa and Co-Director Gabriel Miller won Bendfilm’s Best Director Award for Sweetheart Deal.
Sweetheart Deal looks at the life of four Seattle women who are addicted to heroine and engaging in sex work to earn a living. They are aided by someone who lets them know he cares for women like them. There is a plot twist we won’t spoil for you.
Listen to this interview for so much insight. It was conducted before Bendfilm 2022, so you will hear some dated material, but the description of the film and the Directors’ motivations and methods are engaging and informative.
Benfilm 2022 is available on line until October 23 at at
Welcoming Week Art Exhibit with Priscilla Calleros and the Green Tour with Neil Baunsgard
Priscilla Calleros, Events & Outreach Manager at The Environmental Center, talks about the The Multicultural Art Exhibit. It’s part of Welcoming Week and features live poetry, music, and creative arts by local BILAPOC and LGBTQ+ artists.
Neil Baunsgard, Transportation and Climate Advocacy Manager at The Environmental Center, tells us about this year’s Green Tour, which showcases reducing energy use in residential and commercial buildings in Central Oregon.
The Green Leadership Coalition with Olive Nye
Olive Nye is a co-leader with the Green Leadership Coalition, a group of high school students advocating for sustainability initiatives in their schools.
Olive talks to us about the group's goals for this year and the importance of making connections with other students who care about the environment. Later, she helps Gillian come down from the shock of learning how long some high school students let their cars idle.
The 4-H Program on the OSU Extension Connection
We talked with Elizabeth Brunner, the 4-H Program Coordinator for the Deschutes County OSU Extension Service, and Holly Silvey, OSU Extension Student Intern, about the many fun and educational opportunities for youth and adults in the 4-H Program.
Energy Planning with Grace Andrews
Grace Andrews, Energy Coordinator at The Environmental Center, talks about energy planning in Deschutes County.
Wildfire Safety with Ariel Cowan on The OSU Extension Connection
Ariel Cowan, OSU Extension Regional Fire Specialist, shares pointers about how to prepare for wildfire season.
Juneteenth with Kenny Adams from The Father's Group
With Juneteenth, the 19th of June, coming up in a couple of weeks, the June 2 Thursday Point featured Kenny Adams, Executive Director of the Father's Group. They are presenters of the Juneteenth Celebration 2022 in Bend.
Tune in for a conversation about being a father, lifting up local youth, liberation, Juneteenth, and an enlightening discussion of what it means to view the world through an Afrocentric lens.
Gardening in the High Desert with Amy Jo Detweiler on the OSU Extension Connection
Amy Jo Detweiler, Professor and Community Horticulturist for the OSU Extension, manages the OSU Master Gardener program, including education for “Green Industry” professionals. Professor Detweiler provides outreach and education for backyard gardeners focusing on sustainable gardening practices, water-wise gardening, fire-wise landscaping, and backyard food production in the topic of today's show "Gardening in the High Desert."
The Environmental Center's Community Innovation Fund with Udara (Abeysekera) Bickett
Udara (Abeysekera) Bickett, Rethink Waste Program Manager, tells us about the Community Innovation Fund, a grant program for anyone who wants to reduce waste in their community. Individuals, groups, and businesses can apply for funding for projects that focus on waste reduction projects in the $500-$2,000 range. Udara talks about how to apply for the program and gives Gillian some recycling/marriage advice.
Under The Penumbra of Rights with Josie Stanfield
KPOV Board Member, founder of Central Oregon Diversity Project and Community Organizer Josie Stanfield talks with host Bruce Morris about the right to privacy found to exist in the United States Constitution and what the Supreme Court described as a "penumbra" of rights emanating from the Bill of Rights.
They discussed the recent draft overturning of Roe V. Wade. From there, the discussion moved to the other rights, such as the right to use contraception, same-sex marriage, marriage among different races, and more that are also based on the right to privacy and therefore at risk.
What rights are under the penumbra and what could be lost after Roe is overturned as expected?
The Environmental Center's Youth Programs with Jackie Wilson
Jackie Wilson, Youth Education Programs Director at The Environmental Center, visits the Point to talk about the importance of getting kids out in the woods, TEC’s summer offerings for youth, and a suggestion for Gillian’s Earth Day costume.