KPOV Interviews BendFilm Best Director Elisa Levine of the film Sweetheart Deal

KPOV and host Bruce were honored to interview Sweetheart Deal Director Elisa Levine on the Thursday Point October 6. It’s a beautiful interview and a great film.

We were not surprised, but were very proud, to hear that Elisa and Co-Director Gabriel Miller won Bendfilm’s Best Director Award for Sweetheart Deal.

Sweetheart Deal looks at the life of four Seattle women who are addicted to heroine and engaging in sex work to earn a living. They are aided by someone who lets them know he cares for women like them. There is a plot twist we won’t spoil for you.

Listen to this interview for so much insight. It was conducted before Bendfilm 2022, so you will hear some dated material, but the description of the film and the Directors’ motivations and methods are engaging and informative.

Benfilm 2022 is available on line until October 23 at at